The Importance of Board Room Training

Board rooms are where the most important decisions are taken. These decisions affect everyone from employees of the company to the investors who own the shares and ultimately the economy. The rooms don’t have to be extravagant they are simply regular conference rooms that are large enough to seat all of the participants and equipped with a table big enough to accommodate the papers of the board and other things needed during the meeting. What they require is a place to have an open and honest debate that encourages collaboration and efficient decision-making.

Training in the boardroom is crucial for all board members, as well as the company secretary and the professional in governance who support them. These courses cover a broad spectrum of knowledge needed to be successful as a board member and additionally explore behavioural as well as psychological and cultural aspects that are essential to effective governance and the dynamics of the boardroom.

Boardroom Mastery(tm) is a high-performance simulation for boards that gives participants the unique opportunity to improve their leadership skills in a safe and challenging setting. Participants will be given one-on-1 sessions with an organisational psychologist who will explore their individual behaviors and assist them understand how they influence their decision-making. For three days, participants are part of a board that is tested with real governance and crises scenarios.

Designed with experienced leaders in mind With experienced leaders in mind, boardroom Mastery is only available to those who are invited and is offered as a part of the NACD Accelerate program. Learn more about the program and how you can participate here.

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