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The semanticAction field contains an optional programmatic action accompanying the user request. The meaning and structure of the semantic action is agreed ahead of time between the channel and the bot. This document defines data types for fields used within the Activity object. These type definitions include a syntactic type (e.g. string or complex type) and in the case of strings, an optional format (e.g. ISO 8601 date time format ).

Founded in 1961, Accion is a global nonprofit working to advance economic opportunity through microfinance and impact investing. Accion works with financial service providers across Latin America that are expanding the reach, quality, and affordability of financial services for low-income and underserved people. Over the next three years, Accion will provide advice, guidance, and consulting services to organizations that serve micro and small business owners in the Northern Triangle region, ultimately benefitting more than 400,000 people. Accion aims to connect small business owners to new markets and grow their businesses by improving their management, financial, and digital capabilities.

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The values of each key is the corresponding instance metadata of type semanticEntityInstance. The state field describes whether the action is beginning, continuing, or ending. The value of the state field is of type string with defined values of start, continue, and done.


The name field of a command result is always set to the name of the original command activity. The action field describes the meaning of the installation update activity. The recipient field describes which client or bot is receiving this activity. This field is only meaningful when an activity is transmitted to exactly one recipient; it is not meaningful when it is broadcast to multiple recipients .

The value of the text field is of type string, and its format is plain text. The value of the semanticAction field is a complex object of the semantic action type. A missing listenFor field indicates default priming behavior should be used.

  • Extensibility data in the activity schema is organized principally within the channelData field.
  • Trace activities are normally not shown to the user, and are internal to transcript logging and developer debugging.
  • Even though GUIDs encoded in uppercase are logically equivalent to GUIDs encoded in lowercase, senders SHOULD NOT use these alternative encodings when possible.
  • The value of each attachments list element is a complex object of the Attachment type.

The contents of the text field MUST be ordinally identical to the content of the referenced text. The locale field contains an optional copy of the locale that applies to the referenced conversation. The value of the locale field is an IETF BCP-47 language tag within a string. The serviceUrl field contains an optional copy of the serviceUrl that applies to the referenced conversation. The activityId field contains an optional ID of an activity to refer to within the conversation. The format of this ID is defined by the channel and is used as an opaque string throughout the protocol.


If the channel distinguishes between types of conversations (e.g. group vs. personal), the conversationType field indicates the type of the conversation. The value of the conversationType field is a string and its meaning is defined by the channel in which the type occurs. Conversation accounts represent the identity of conversations within a channel. In channels that support only a single conversation between two accounts (e.g. SMS), the conversation account is persistent and does not have a predetermined start or end. In channels that support multiple parallel conversations (e.g. email), each conversation will likely have a unique ID.

The participant agrees and consents to you as the provider, to release the information to the organization they’re requesting services from and Community Action Pioneer Valley. When filling out this form for yourself with your information you are agreeing to release this information to the organization understanding the base currency conversion you’re requesting services from and Community Action Pioneer Valley. Community Action is required under the state’s identity theft laws to maintain a Comprehensive Information Security Program to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal information held by the agency.

This document merely describes the abstract requirements for these fields, and it is up to the controlling protocol to establish whether the values must be explicitly declared or if implicit or inferred values are allowed. For compactness, visual interactive cards are not defined in this specification. Instead, these are defined within the Bot Framework Cards and Adaptive Cards specifications. These cards, and other undefined card types, may be included as attachments within Bot Framework activities. This schema is used within the Bot Framework protocol and is implemented by Microsoft chat systems and by interoperable bots and clients from many sources. Microsoft’s purpose is to ensure that technology helps promote inclusive opportunity, protects fundamental rights, and supports a sustainable future.

As the game goes on, the commander invests money into better technology. The ships you fly become more and more powerful, until instead of lowly scouts and fighters, you’re piloting massive capital ships with several turret gunners each, facing off against swarms of heavy interceptors with powerful weapons. Like many RTS games, you start with most of the map undiscovered.

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Maps are broken down into several sectors connected by wormholes, which contain resources vital to your team’s survival. But not only finding resources, but also observing euro to swedish krona exchange rate convert eur the movements of the enemy is vital to your team’s success. Each team has a shared view of the world, seeing only what at least one of its scanners picks up. phrase source

Channels SHOULD include this value so clients and bots can populate their UIs and backend systems. Bots and clients SHOULD NOT send this value to channels that have a central record of this store, but they MAY send this value to channels that populate the value on every activity (e.g. an email channel). The value field of a command result activity contains metadata related to a command.

  • When both the localTimezone and localTimestamp fields are included in an activity, the interpretation is to first convert the value of the localTimestamp to UTC and then apply a conversion to the local timezone.
  • All textHighlight objects are relative to the activity specified by the replyToId property.
  • The string and number primitive entity types contains simple values within the value field.
  • This field is only meaningful when an activity is transmitted to exactly one recipient; it is not meaningful when it is broadcast to multiple recipients .

Event activities are designed to carry both interactive information and non-interactive information . The attachmentLayout field instructs user interface renderers how to present content included in the attachments field. The value of the attachmentLayout field is of type string, with defined values of list and carousel.


The continue state indicates processing of an action is ongoing, and this activity contains new information within the semanticAction field. Just like earlier steps, the bot can update the id field to reflect what was actually in the conversation. Suggested actions may be sent within message content to create interactive action elements within a client UI.

  • The to field contains channel account IDs to whom the suggested actions should be displayed.
  • Users can pick and choose from these services to develop and scale new applications or run existing applications in the public cloud.
  • Message delete activities are identified by a type value of messageDelete.

The conversation field contains the Conversation account representing the conversation’s identity. The value of the conversation field is a complex object of type Conversation account. The channel account includes an ID that can be used to identify and contact the account within that channel. Sometimes these IDs exist within a single namespace (e.g. Skype IDs); sometimes, they are federated across many servers (e.g. email addresses). In addition to the ID, channel accounts include display names and Azure Active Directory object IDs.


The purpose of the field is to allow the recipient to identify themselves. This is helpful when a client or bot has more than one identity within the channel. The value of the recipient field is a complex object of the Channel account type. Note that on channels with a persistent chat feed, platform is typically useful only in deciding which content to include, not the format of that content.

It gives the sender the ability to specify which occurrence of the text to highlight. If it is not specified or is 0 then clients should highlight the first occurrence. The text field is required, and defines the snippet of text to highlight.

Semantic action

The Administration and the Partnership welcome additional commitments to join this initiative and promote economic opportunity in the Northern Triangle. Vice President Harris invites interested parties to get involved by contacting the State Department Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs at In addition, the Partnership for Central America can be reached at The Partnership for Central America is a non-profit organization that was developed in support of the Vice President’s Call to Action.

An action of type openUrl represents a hyperlink to be handled by the client. The textHighlights field contains a list of text to highlight in the text field of the activity referred to by replyToId. The value of the textHighlights field is an array of type textHighlight. daily treasury yield curve rates All textHighlight objects are relative to the activity specified by the replyToId property. There can be multiple textHighlight provided, allowing a client the option to turn different sections of the text into links which would show the suggestion content.

Fields that describe the identity of the activity and any participants, such as the type and from fields, are shared across all activities. In many programming languages, it is convenient to organize these fields on a core base type from which other, more specific, activity types derive. The activity type field controls the meaning of the activity and the fields contained within it. Depending on the role that a participant is playing , each field is mandatory, optional, or ignored.

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